GROW! Released and Reviewed.

The film GROW! has been released to rave reviews. Contact the filmmakers if you want a copy or to schedule a screening in your commuinty. Oh, and check out this article in today's Civil Eats.

“I got into farming because I like the idea of feeding people, and I like the idea of feeding people stuff that’s good for them, that makes them feel good, that makes their days better, that’s pleasurable and nourishing.”

Press Clippings

I'm so thrilled! Apparently, a writer for the Atlanta Creative Loafing nabbed some of our eggs and decided to write about them. Glowingly. All I've got to say is that it's not us, it's the chickens. If you let these birds be themselves, then that's all you need to make a good egg. If you're in the area and want some of these "creamy, dreamy" eggs, you can start buying them the week after Thanksgiving at The Local Farmstand ,at Bella Cucina, or, through our CSA program starting up the first week of January.