Many Fold Farm’s mission is to create excellent meats and cheeses on-farm with the deepest integrity to the land and a fastidious adherence to natural systems; we aim to educate the public and to be an example of sustainable, regenerative farming in the South.
Many Fold Farm aims to support its mission through adherence to guiding principles:
Respect for the land: all decisions will be guided by consideration to impact on the land. It is our aim to have a positive, regenerative impact on the land. Choices for facilities, energy, and water use will reflect this goal. The farm will actively work to improve soil fertility, botanical species diversity, and forest ecology in all its operations.
A commitment to the health and well-being of all species: all livestock will be managed humanely and in accordance with natural behavior patterns. Low-stress handling techniques will be employed consistently, animals will be provided with protection from predation, excellent nutrition, appropriate shelter, and all necessary veterinary needs.
A high standard for excellence in taste and food safety: it is essential that our products taste good and are safe to eat. Manyfold Farm will work to formulate and develop recipes for cheeses that are unique and that have the characteristics of a high-quality artisan product. We will adhere to State laws and guidelines for food safety and dairy hygiene and will remain up-to-date on new research in this area.
The creation and implementation of an outstanding work environment: our farm will cultivate a safe, friendly, and ethical work environment. All employees and interns will work under the guidance of a contract that clearly communicates obligations, rules, and expectations. Manyfold Farm will be transparent with employees at all times, will follow OSHA standards for employee comfort and safety, and will develop an atmosphere of honest communication.
A commitment to educate the public: we firmly believe that food and farming are a service to the community. As such, community involvement will be solicited and welcomed in the form of farm volunteer opportunities, on-farm dinners, educational tastings, workshops, school tours, academic programming for students at all levels, and the publication of literature on farming and cheese production.